Book Description
for Shortcut by David Macaulay
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
On his way to the market when Albert opts for the short cut, instead of the "long, long way," his simple acts of hanging his jacket on a post, hitching his horse June to a railroad switch, and cutting a rope that blocks his path, set off a chain reaction of events that spell disaster for others. A delightful cause-and-effect story is told in just 52 short sentences spread out over nine chapters and an epilogue. Most of the plot, however, unfolds in the pictures which require a careful reading in order to make sense of how and why things happen as they do. Honor Book, 1995 CCBC Caldecott Award Discussion (Ages 4-10)
CCBC Choices 1995. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 1995. Used with permission.