Book Description
for The Cat Way by Sara Lundberg
From the Publisher
"Playful . . . breathtaking." -- The New York Times
"Stunning, saturated watercolor and gouache illustrations . . . thought-provoking text . . . A lovingly told exploration of compromise leading to a new outlook on life." -- Kirkus Reviews (STARRED REVIEW)
An unconventional story about navigating differences and learning to be present.
When a cat and her human go for walks, the human always decides where they go and what they do. "But what if it were the other way around?" the cat asks one day. So the next time, the human follows the cat. When the cat is in control, she wants to stop more often, and she wants to chase squirrels and climb up trees. Her human finds all these detours ridiculous. But when you walk at a cat's pace, you can see the most amazing things.
Painted in richly saturated colors, The Cat Way explores the strange path to compromise and cooperation. Walking together might take some patience--but it can also lead to the most incredible surprises.