Book Resume
for The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo by Judy Blume and Irene Trivas
Professional book information and credentials for The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo.
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on TeachingBooks
- Publisher's Weekly:
- Ages 5 - 8
- TeachingBooks:*
- Grades PK-6
- Word Count:
- 1,482
- Lexile Level:
- 500L
- ATOS Reading Level:
- 2.5
- Genre:
- Realistic Fiction
- Beginning / Early Reader
- Year Published:
- 1969
11 Subject Headings
The following 11 subject headings were determined by the U.S. Library of Congress and the Book Industry Study Group (BISAC) to reveal themes from the content of this book (The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo).
1 Full Professional Review
The following unabridged reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers. Reviews may be used for educational purposes consistent with the fair use doctrine in your jurisdiction, and may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission from the rights holders.
Note: This section may include reviews for related titles (e.g., same author, series, or related edition).
From Publisher's Weekly
June 1, 1992
Squeezed between a big brother and a kid sister, Freddy employs newfound histrionic abilities to escape being ``the peanut butter part of a sandwich.'' Ages 5-8.
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This Book Resume for The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo is compiled from TeachingBooks, a library of professional resources about children's and young adult books. This page may be shared for educational purposes and must include copyright information. Reviews are made available under license from their respective rights holders and publishers.
*Grade levels are determined by certified librarians utilizing editorial reviews and additional materials. Relevant age ranges vary depending on the learner, the setting, and the intended purpose of a book.
Retrieved from TeachingBooks on January 31, 2025. © 2001-2025, LLC. All rights reserved by rights holders.