Speak Up!
by Rebecca Burgess
13 Total Resources 1 Awards 4 State Lists Book Resume View Text Complexity Discover Like Books
- Grade
- 5-8
- Genre
- Graphic Novel
- Realistic Fiction
- Cultural Experience
- Disability
Year Published 2022
- Text Complexity
- Lexile Level: Currently Not Available
- ATOS Reading Level: Currently Not Available
- OverDrive Digital Book Details Explore on Marketplace
- Curricular Area
- English Language Arts
- Subject Headings
- Genderqueer people
- Autistic children--Juvenile fiction
- Gender-nonconforming people
- Internet personalities--Comic books, strips, etc
- Best friends--Comic books, strips, etc
- Gender identity--Juvenile fiction
- Singers
- Best friends
- Gender identity--Comic books, strips, etc
- Autistic girls
- Autistic girls--Comic books, strips, etc
- Friendship--Juvenile fiction
- Autistic girls--Juvenile fiction
- Singers--Comic books, strips, etc
- Friendships
- Friendship--Comic books, strips, etc
- Internet personalities--Juvenile fiction
- Singers--Juvenile fiction
- Gender
- Gender identity
- Singers--Fiction
- Autistic children--Comic books, strips, etc
- Friendship--Fiction
- Internet personalities--Fiction
- Friendship
- Best friends--Juvenile fiction
- Gender-nonconforming people--Juvenile fiction
- Gender non-conforming people
- Internet personalities
- Autism--Fiction
- Autistic children
- Gender-nonconforming people--Comic books, strips, etc
- Lists With This Book
- Autistic Authors/Illustrators on Autism
Our Original Resources 5
Cultural Representation Reflection
Created by TeachingBooks
Story Map Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Graphic Novel / Graphic Format Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Comprehension Graphic Organizers
Created by TeachingBooks
Submit Qualitative Text Complexity Rubric
Created by TeachingBooks
Book Guides, Activities & Lessons 4
Cultural Representation Reflection
Created by TeachingBooks
Story Map Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Graphic Novel / Graphic Format Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Comprehension Graphic Organizers
Created by TeachingBooks
Book Trailers 1
Book Talk from Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
Created by Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
Awards & Distinctions 1
If you find a 3rd party resource that isn't accessible to you, please email the name and link of the resource, as well as any details about your needs, to accounts@TeachingBooks.net.
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