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I Want To Read ALL The Books

Launching from Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers on Sept. 17th, 2024.

An insatiably curious girl decides the only way to answer all her questions is to read all the books in this funny and charming picture book in the spirit of The Library Fish and Tom Chapin’s The Library Book.

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(Updated May 26, 2024. Also see: Rejection Stories & Advice From Published Kidlit/YA Creators) This is a photo of a letter I’ve had pinned up on my home office Inspiration Board for years now. It represents the many encouraging-but-still-rejection letters I received over the years when I was actively writing . . .

Protected: Interview with Cheryl Kim & Nat Iwata about WAT TAKES HIS SHOT: THE LIFE & LEGACY OF BASKETBALL HERO WATARU MISAKA

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Interview with Hanh Bui: Ánh’S NEW WORD, illustrated by Bao Luu (F&F/Macmillan) 

I first heard about Hanh Bui and Ánh’s New Word during the SCBWI Summer Conference last year, when I covered the Debut Author Panel for Team Blog; you can read my post on the SCBWI Conference Blog. Beautifully illustrated by Bao Luu, Ánh’s New Word is about a child living . . .