
I am Lucinda Gifford, writer and illustrator of books for children: picture books, junior fiction and longer books too. Here are all the books I’ve worked on so far. If you click on the covers you’ll find background information on each book.

Read a bit more about me (and look at my terrible sketchbooks)  here.

The Wolves of Greycoat Hall, Book 3
Tayles of the Forest

Christmas at Greycoat Hall is time for festivities, feasting, presents – and more feasting. But why are valuables disappearing? And who is the mysterious Cerberus Schwartz?

I loved writing this third book in The Wolves of Greycoat Hall series. In this adventure, Boris is spending Christmas with his family in Morovia – a country of fairy tale forests, Medieval alleyways and quirky Wolfish traditions.

Yet again, there is a mystery at the heart of this book, as well as good friends, strange hobbies and lots of delicious food. Arooooooooo!


At last! Or at first?!

Anyway… This Book is a Time Machine is out now. It’s great.

Tracey Dembo wrote the words and I did the pictures. And the wonderful Kristy Lund-White did the super-clever and colourful design. And publisher Tash Besliev at Affirm Press hurled ideas at us while SOMEHOW keeping it all together.

I love this book and I’m so happy to share it.

Hoping it has a terrific (and non-painful) impact!

Find it at your local bookstore!
buy online.

Finally, you can download book activities here. Click image below for fortune teller!


Neil the Amazing Sea Cucumber

Written by Amelia McInerey

With deadpan text and hilarious illustrations, this is a fabulous story about a very unlikely hero and one epic adventure.

Watch this wonderful video from Affirm Press about Neil!

Boris in Switzerland

An exclusive school in the Swiss mountainside takes Boris on the trail of mysterious ghosts, priceless art and delectable Swiss cuisine…

It can be hard being the only wolf among sophisticated international students, but soon Boris starts to make friends. Then he sees a mysterious face at a window… 

Find out more here

… full of imagination, humour, action, and clever language and visual elements… Adults will enjoy Boris in Switzerland as much as kids. Top marks!

Kids Book Review


Written By Mike Dumbleton

Blonde hair, black hair, red and brown.
Hair tied up… or hanging down.

Hair! is a super-cute picture book for little ones about, well, hair. It’s written by the wonderful Mike Dumbleton, and illustrated by me.

Available from Little Book Press. Check here for more details.


Chicken Divas wins a YABBA Awards Honours Citation!

Whitney and Britney say a few words - while the esteemed author attempts to thank the voting community.

The Young Australians Best Book Awards (YABBA) award is a marvellous, volunteer-run program which encourages children to read, recommend and rate Australian kids’ books - and gives children a voice in responding to the wider book industry. 

What Whitney (in pink) is trying to say is that to be shortlisted in both 2021 and 2022 is an absolute honour, that she is ‘down with the kids’ and that, one day, she hopes everyone can perform in a Hollywood musical together (Whitney dreams big). 

Britney is making encouraging, bawk-related, noises.

You can find out more about YABBA here.



Written by Sally Rippin
Little Hare, 2021

A beautiful and hilarious story about the ups and downs of welcoming a new family member.


Written by Maura Finn
Affirm Press, 2022

Percy is a dog with a bone to pick: there are just too many cats in his house!


Walker Books Australia, 2020

A deliciously funny tale, with equally amusing illustrations, about being judged for what, rather than who, you are.