Riding to Washington
by Gwenyth Swain and David Geister
11 Total Resources 2 State Lists Book Resume View Text Complexity Discover Like Books
- Grade
- 5-8
- Genre
- Historical Fiction
- Realistic Fiction
- Cultural Experience
- African American
Year Published 2008
Word Count 1,483
- Text Complexity
- Lexile Level: 650L
- ATOS Reading Level: 3.8
- AR Quiz Numbers
- Quiz 120598, 0.5 AR Points
- OverDrive Digital Book Details Explore on Marketplace
- Curricular Area
- English Language Arts
- History
- Social Studies
- Subject Headings
- African Americans--Civil rights--History--20th century--Juvenile literature
- Washington (D.C.)
- 20th century
- Bus travel--United States--History--20th century--Juvenile literature
- Civil rights demonstrations--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century--Juvenile literature
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.)--Juvenile literature
- Civil rights
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. I have a dream
- Children, White
- King, Martin Luther
- Juvenile Fiction | Social Themes | Prejudice & Racism
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968. I have a dream--Juvenile literature
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.)
- African Americans
- History
- March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Was
- Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction
- United States
- African Americans--Civil rights--History--20th century
- Bus travel
- Indianapolis
- Civil rights demonstrations--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century
- Juvenile Fiction | Historical | United States - 20th Century
- Civil rights demonstrations
- Children, White--Indiana--Indianapolis
- Bus travel--United States--History--20th century
- Children, White--Indiana--Indianapolis--Juvenile literature
- Indiana
- Lists With This Book
- Exploring the Civil Rights Movement
Our Original Resources 5
Cultural Representation Reflection
Created by TeachingBooks
Story Map Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Historical Fiction Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Comprehension Graphic Organizers
Created by TeachingBooks
Submit Qualitative Text Complexity Rubric
Created by TeachingBooks
Book Guides, Activities & Lessons 5
Cultural Representation Reflection
Created by TeachingBooks
Story Map Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Historical Fiction Multi-Leveled Lesson
Created by TeachingBooks
Comprehension Graphic Organizers
Created by TeachingBooks

Lesson Plan from Sleeping Bear Press
Created by Sleeping Bear Press
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