Book Description
for Smoky Mountain Rose by Alan Schroeder and Brad Sneed
From the Publisher
Now it so happened that on the other side o' the creek, this real rich feller by the name o' Seb gets the bright idea to invite all the neighbor-people to a fancy ol' party, thinkin' he might find himself a wife. Ye know that part.
Well, of course, Annie and Liza Jane are dreamin' about dancin' the night away with Seb. They been orderin' up from the catalog sure as they been orderin' Miss Rose round the farm. And it ain't till the night of the shindig when Rose starts a -cryin' that one of the hogs comes moseyin' up to the fence and starts talkin' to her. And that hog just happens to know a little magic...
Alan Schroeder's unbeatable storytellin' and Brad Sneed's fine paintin' fit together neater'n a jigsaw. In fact, this is 'bout the best tellin' o' Cinderella we ever saw blow through Tarbelly Creek.